Resalta tus Pendientes

Es hora de recuperar tu confianza en ti misma y resaltar tu belleza, luciendo cualquier arete o pendiente que quieras usarlo, sin temer que se noten colgadas, ni desajustadas.

Hola, ustedes me conocen

Como mujeres nosotras siempre queremos vernos lindas, y ponerse un arete no es la excepción, pero lamentablemente a veces, por mas bonito que sean, se nos ven colgados, y yo que siempre salgo en cámaras, y luego de revisar como quedaron mis programas, normalmente no me gustaba como se me colgaba cualquier arete. Pero este espectacular levantador de aretes de SIJOYA, me cambio la vida, ahora se me ven mas firmes, se me percibe mas resplandeciente, y yo creo que a ti, también te cambiara la vida.

Susana Morazán. / Periodista

En Sijoya™ estamos ofreciendo un 50% de descuento en nuestra tienda, debido a la celebración de nuestro 8vo Aniversario.

La promoción finaliza este domingo.

Visto en:

Levantador de Aretes - Sijoya™

- 50% DCTO
  • Envío gratis y rápido

  • Haz tu pedido y paga cuando el producto te llegue a casa


Perfecto para perforaciones malas, lóbulos estirados y aretes pesados

Se adapta a todos los aretes

Previene la flacidez de los lóbulos de las orejas

"Lo mejor de todo fue cómo estos sujetadores mantuvieron mis pendientes en su lugar. Antes de usarlos, mis aretes a menudo se movían y se salían, especialmente durante actividades físicas o al dormir. Sin embargo, con el levantador de aretes - Sijoya™, mis pendientes permanecieron perfectamente en su sitio todo el tiempo. Ya no tengo que preocuparme por perder un pendiente valioso."



Pedidos diarios




Ciudades vendidas

Realza tu belleza sin esfuerzo, aretes firmes y elegantes

Inspiring The World

Efecto de elevación instantánea, asegura tus aretes hermosos con firmeza, al mismo tiempo evita el estiramiento o cansancio por aretes grandes y pesados.

Our Mission & Vision

Coffee's mission is to offer love and hope to those in need through funds from a great cup of coffee. We want to inspire and educate our coffee lovers in ways that enhance their experience with us and encourage them to be an outlet of hope for others. 

We want to create a coffee culture that is built around quality, sociability, and affordability so that everyone can enjoy our product and share in our outreach. Our goal is to continue to grow our business in ways that will allow us to give more, this will include things like scholarships for local graduating seniors, food programs, and much more! We have BIG plans for coffee and appreciate you joining us on this journey!

Fabricados con un baño de plata esterlina de primera calidad

Si tienes la piel sensible, estos levantadores de aretes no irritan y son ideales para ti, 100 % hipoalergénicos y libres de níquel. Fabricados con un baño de plata y oro esterlina de primera calidad.



Inspiring The World

Deslice el poste de su arete en la abertura de Sijoya como lo haría con cualquier parte posterior del arete

Our Mission & Vision

Coffee's mission is to offer love and hope to those in need through funds from a great cup of coffee. We want to inspire and educate our coffee lovers in ways that enhance their experience with us and encourage them to be an outlet of hope for others. 

We want to create a coffee culture that is built around quality, sociability, and affordability so that everyone can enjoy our product and share in our outreach. Our goal is to continue to grow our business in ways that will allow us to give more, this will include things like scholarships for local graduating seniors, food programs, and much more! We have BIG plans for coffee and appreciate you joining us on this journey!


Después de deslizarlo, apriete o afloje según sea necesario para ajuste el arete donde desee.


¡Asegúrate de que el corazón esté hacia arriba y listo! Has levantado mágicamente tus aretes.

¡Solo póntelos y disfruta de tu nueva apariencia sin siquiera sentirlos!

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Funcionan con todos los tipos de aretes?

Sí, nuestros levantadores de aretes están diseñados para ser compatibles con todos de los aretes con poste recto y cierre de mariposa. 

¿Son fáciles de poner y quitar?

¡Sí! Solo necesitas deslizar el levantador en la parte trasera del arete como lo harías con un cierre normal. Son ligeros y cómodos, por lo que puedes ponerlos y quitarlos sin esfuerzo.

¿Son visibles cuando se usan los Levantadores?

No, su diseño discreto permite que pasen desapercibidos detrás de la oreja. Además, su tamaño compacto asegura que realcen la apariencia de los aretes sin ser notorios.

¿Puedo usarlos mientras duermo o hago ejercicio?

No es recomendable. Para evitar daños o molestias, te sugerimos retirarlos antes de dormir o realizar actividades físicas intensas. Así prolongarás su durabilidad y evitarás incomodidades.

¿Que incluye mi pedido?

- Set Levantador de Aretes de 2 pares - Sijoya™

- Estuche protector.

Commonly asked

How long does it take to complete an order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

Can I inspect the goods before receiving them?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

What should I do if there is a problem with my custom order?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.

How long does shipment normally take?

Yes, you can check the quality of the goods before proceeding to payment.